Sanwayuka Industry CorporationSanwayuka Industry Corporation


2021.05.18 company

Rating for the ESG/SDGs Assessment Loan

We have obtained an A rating for the ESG/SDGs Assessment Loan* by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. While our business activity itself creates social value, we will further create the economic value that we must pursue as a company. We are working on management that generates value for both the company and society.

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation: Provided ESG/SDGs Assessment Loan to Sanwayuka Industry Corporation 

(*) ESG / SDGs Assessment Loan
A financing product that rates a company's efforts for its information disclosure and the promotion of sustainability from ESG aspects and for its contribution to achieving SDGs (sustainable development goals). It does this in accordance with the unique evaluation standards prepared by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and the Japan Research Institute, Inc., and gives back a current status analysis on the appropriateness of efforts and information disclosure, future issues and examples of efforts toward the issues


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